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50th Reunion Updates: Where We are In Life

Clark & Sue Davis

Sue attended Emerson then Pomona in her sophomore year but graduated from Garey. We were each other's first love in high school and after an 11th grade break-up, got back together 36 years later in August 2001 and married in September 2001, 3 days before 9/11. I spent the last 30 years of my career at an IT job at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. Sue and I retired to the Mt Falls golf community in the little desert town of Pahrump, Nevada in 2009. We are both healthy and happy, and Sue is still just So-Sixteen! I wish I had her youth and good looks.

Dennis Smith

My wife Donna and I moved to Golden Valley, AZ to retire. we are about 20 minutes from Laughlin and the river. we spend a lot of time with our horse and playing with our toys life is good.

Lyle Shook

Retired U.S. Forest Service Fire Safety Chief Pacific Southwest Region (California). Currently living in Kerrville, TX, at Buckhorn Lake RV Resort. Our 36’ class A diesel motorhome is parked beside are Casita (small house) in a private section of the park. We manage the Kerrville KOA afternoon shift when not traveling in our motorhome. We will not be at the reunion as the retiree Forest Service Reunion is at the same time in Albuquerque, NM.

Paul Mandrell

I'm married, no children, retired since 2009 and living in Upland, Ca.  We sold our 32' sloop a few years ago and bought a motorhome.  Land cruising is a lot easier on the old bod than sea cruising!

Mike & Maria Thompson

I retired after 33 years at TXI Riverside Cement in May 2011. My wife Maria retired in March 2013 and we have been enjoying our time together. We are doing some hiking, fishing and some traveling. I reunited with my daughter after 30 years apart in 2009 and I am now enjoying her company and also of my two grandsons and son in law. They live in Seattle WA. Maria and I spend our time taking care of my older sister who is special needs as well. Life is good, God is great.  We are blessed.

Carol Topogna Howell

I'm retired from 30 years of teaching primary children in Portland, Oregon 3 years ago.  Much to my surprise, I have found retirement to be quite delightful.  I have remained connected to my old school, Raleigh Hills, as a school garden coordinator and classroom volunteer.  Jim and I particularly enjoy the company of our 5 grandchildren - 3 in Oregon and 2 in Santiago, Chile.  We’ve made 2 trips to South America and joyfully anticipate more.  I continue to take great pleasure in gardening, reading, hiking, bicycling, and baseball - the  game that has taught me to “live slow and notice.”  Memories of Garfield Park, Vince Scully, and Pomona High continue to make me smile.


I wish you all a lovely, lovely reunion.

Jim & Alison Dickerson

Still alive. One beautiful 26 year old daughter. Still working. Bought the company I started sweeping floors for in 1966 in 1978. Been there done that in life. Never stop traveling after my first trip out of the country, Vietnam.  Maybe 2 or 3 things left on bucket list. We had it good in our time. We just didn't know it. Right?

Sue (Miller) & Phil Farrow

In high school I dated a man for  my junior and senior years.  He was older.  After graduation I attended Marenello Comer Beauty Academy in Van Nuys.  Things weren't going well with the boyfriend, I met my husband in Dec. at a Christmas party in '68, He really swept me off my feet.  We were married in Feb.  of that year!  Been married 48 great years, have 2 daughters and a son   They all live close by, so we get to see them and our 7 grands often.  My husband, Phil spent 23 years in the military.  He was a airborne Ranger and a helicopter pilot.  He, of course is retired now.  Traveling is in our blood, so, we do as much as possible  as our health permits. We are looking forward to our reunion and seeing all my classmates from 1965.

Ed, Prasad & Alice Monk

After PHS I was very fortunate to play basketball at Mt. SAC for one year and then at Western Washington Univ. for three more years. I got a bachelors degree and then moved back to SoCal and eventually got a teaching credential from Cal. State San Bernardino. I subbed for a couple years in Pomona, Uplands, Claremont and Chino school districts and had a memorable six month sub teaching PE at Pomona HS in 1978. During that time I played on a team of mostly African American basketball coaches from PHS, Garey HS, a few middle schools, and Ganesha HS. The coach from Ganesha was Doug Westlake and getting to play with him again was fantastic! Our team went on to win the Pomona Parks and Recreation adult league and then the adult league championship for the region. 

My family then moved up to the Portland area. I became a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique in 1976 and I am still teaching regularly. After getting an M.S.Ed. at Portland State in 1980 I taught as a teacher of visually impaired in Portland, and surrounding Oregon public schools, for 26 years (total of 35 years in classrooms).  Alice taught special ed. PE and we both retired in 2007. We then co-taught PE at Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa for 5 years to cover tuition for our son Prasad from 8-12th grade. After a year at Oregon State he is now a sophomore at Western Oregon Univ. For the past 10 years we have worked hard to raise money to educate 370 starving children at the YES! School in SE India. YES! is a kind of ‘pay it forward’ project for the blessing of our adopted son from an amazing pastor in India: YES! Kindness Works - Home  I enjoy golfing, and we swim, bike and walk our puppy, Holly, several miles a day. Life is good!

Janet Shryer Keefe

I'm back on the mainland after my adventure in Hawaii. I'm a manager at Macy's Galleria at Hidalgo in Houston, TX.  I have 4 grandchildren, all under the age of 12. We are a tight group and I love being the ring leader of all that is fun and fanciful.  I've chosen not to own a car yet - and this is my 4th year of being primarily an urban trekker. I started in Hawaii because it was easy to transition into a very small, compact life. In moving into a large city, I chose my part of the city for living on foot. I am in no way committed to suffering so Uber is always an option on a day off when it's pouring rain. With all of that, I walk over 30 miles a week and I've never been healthier or lived more simply. I'm thrilled to be attending our reunion and I look forward to seeing everyone. 

Bruce (Wally) & Carol Nash

I joined the Marine Corps before graduation and went to boot camp in July.  I spent 13 months in Viet Nam, then 2 years on Embassy duty serving in Prague and Rome.  I got out in 1970 and joined the LA County Sheriff’s Dept in 1973. I was married to Jan in 1976 and worked East Los Angeles substation until 1980.  We moved to Washington State where I worked as a deputy sheriff for 6 years and then moved to East Wenatchee, WA where I joined the PD. I worked there for 25 ½ years, retiring in 2011. We were blessed with a daughter and son. In 2002 Jan was killed in a car accident. In 2005 I married my current wife Carol. I don’t know why God put 2 great women in my life but I thank him every day. Summers are a lot like Pomona, warm and dry. Winters are colder with snow. I love the 4 seasons here.  Since retirement we have traveled the US. We have a small apricot orchard and after harvest is over it is time to salmon fish. Carol and I fish and hunt into November.  Between us we have 8 kids and 15 grandkids from Alaska to  East coast, with twins due in Anchorage in December.

Cathy Houlette Garcia

My husband of 26 years and I live in Claremont.  We have 5 children and 4 grandchildren.  I retired several years ago from the County of San Bernardino where I worked as a Marriage and Family therapist.  Currently I enjoy creating mosaic art.  I just sold a piece displayed in the sculpture garden at the L.a. County Arboretum and demonstrated at the fair again this year in the Millard Sheets Gallery.  When I demonstrate I'm always looking for old schoolmates but no sightings.

Ladd Hackler

I am still farming my almond orchard, having retired from tree nursery sales 6 years ago.  I am helping my youngest son with his packaging supply  business here in Turlock/Modesto area, and this is a busy time of year for him, he deals with Almond/ Walnut processors..  I hope all is well with you and your family.  If you or others are in the area, please stop by, were a mile off of Hwy 99 in Turlock Ca.

Jim & Carla (Edmonson) Gutman

We celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary this past August, yep-we are "still together and still having fun" (like the song says). Carla retired from P.R. & Marketing career 2 years ago. Jim retired from Cal. Teachers Assoc. Sept. 30 and will work as a consultant on a minimal part time basis. Jim previously retired from his teaching career after teaching high school in Lake Arrowhead for many years. Our big news is we sold our home in Monterey after living and loving it there for 15 years so we could move to Bend, Oregon to be near our second son, his wife and our Q.T. pie grandson Kai, age 2.  Though we had planned to be at the reunion and really looked forward to it, our home sold very quickly and our move out date was just 2 days after the reunion. We pushed to be done packing in time to go-simply too overwhelming so we had to cancel our weekend in, (yikes- we were still packing when the moving van arrived). We look forward to the 55th, hope to see ya'all there.

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