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50th Reunion Updates: Where We are In Life

Rich & Verda Chambers

Verda and I married in March 1978. We have three grown children (Kris, Kelli and Keri). Our 6 grandchildren, Kylie (23), Khloe (13), Parker (9), Brooks (2.5), Summer (1) and Ruby ( 4 mo.), all live near us in Oklahoma, so we have family gatherings all the time. I’m a retired geologist having worked for NOAA as an environmental scientist for 8 years, and then worked as a research geologist in the petroleum industry (Phillips, Amoco, my own company, and Landmark Graphics) from 1980 until retiring in June 2013. During my time in the oil industry I worked or taught geological courses in 36 countries, so I got to see a lot of the world during my career. I spend most of my time these days with my family, playing a lot of golf with Verda, pursuing my photography, traveling, and updating the PHS65 website.

Judy Valentine Karr & Richard Cuellar

 After graduation I lived in Montclair for 3 years with Bette Blakely (class of '64) as my roommate.  Worked for Fedway Dept. Store, Arrowjet General in Chino Hills and then worked for General Dynamics.  Married at age 21 in 1968 and lived with my husband, John Karr, in Chino for 26 years raising 2 boys.  Was a stay at home Mom for 16 of those years then went to work for COMP (College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific) on 2nd St. in Pomona for 3 years.


We sold our home in 1993 and decided to move to Waco, TX to be close to my husband's family.  Our youngest son went in the service and to Somolia and the oldest was 21 and decided to stay in CA.  We lived in TX for 5 years and since our son's gravitated back home we sold our home there in 1998 and all moved together to Rohnert Park, CA located just below Santa Rosa.  I worked for a Cardiology Group and an Orthopedic doctor and 2 Physical Therapist during the 7 years that we were in this area.  

In 2004 the economy took a turn for the worst and as a family we decided to move to Henderson, NV as the area was booming.  We lived in Henderson for 9 years with sons, and families in and out with us.  2006 my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 Cancer and we were pretty busy making sure that he had the best care possible.  In 2013 my husband requested that we move to Manhattan, KS to be close to his brother and he passed away on October 6, 2013, 49 days after getting there.  In December of that year I moved to Poway, CA with my youngest son and was there for a year.  


In November I decided to start looking for classmates on FB and found Ralph Bronson, (who by the way lived 4 miles from me in Henderson and I was not aware) and he helped me to find others to contact and now enjoy corresponding with them daily.  I decided to move to Upland to be closer to my two best friends, Bette Blakely Standon (class of '64) and Susan Saddler Pixley.  I have been lucky to reconnect with an old friend from High School and life has been extremely good.


I have 2 Sons, 2 Step-Daughters (who are a blessing), 4 biological Grandchildren (3 girls, one boy) and  4 Step-Grandchildren (3 girls, one boy). 

Patty (Brown) & Jim Carey

 It was so great to see so many of you at our 50th Reunion! Our short time together reinforced my belief that we grew up in a very wholesome, well-grounded community. What nice people you all are!  At age 18 I could never have imagined the many roads I have followed over the years, from the deaths of my son & beloved spouse to a new life with my dear husband Jim of 9 years, I feel very fortunate to still be in good health, engaged in work & play. My 3 daughters are grown and 2 have families of their own (4 grandchildren in all). I have been able to do some big international trips with all of them as adults and what could be better than counting your children as dear friends! My professor husband travels for his work and I get to tag along to some very exotic places, usually adding time for side trips to his work schedule.  


If you are ever in the Sacramento area, do stop by and see us in Davis! You are most welcome!

Kathleen Hamiltion Laub

"Never understood a single word he said but I helped him drink his wine.... and he always had some mighty fine wine" - 3 Dog Night. My husband Gary and I are home winemakers, living in Ventura for the past nine years. We have been pursuing our "out of control hobby" for about 17 years. It all started when I brought home a 100 year old wine press. I just thought it looked "cool". Then a friend of ours commented "you could probably make some mighty fine wine with that". Hmmmmm. We eventually joined a central coast wine co-op which allowed us to select from a variety of grapes grown by the big boys in Santa Ynez  and Paso Robles. We are red wine lovers but we did make a Sauvignon Blanc this summer with our friends grapes in Ojai. This is a pic of our Great Legs Bordeaux. In wine terms, "Legs" refers to the viscous rivulets of wine that ease down the sides of the glass when wine is swirled. (pretty steamy, Huh?).

However, I do think Ms. Lepp would have approved of that description, from a literary standpoint of course.  We've discovered that it's very easy to make friends when you make wine. "From wine what sudden friendship arises." ~ Unknown. Presently, we are not bonded thus are unable to sell. However, a local Ventura steakhouse trades dinner credits for wine and we give to and barter with friends. We've enjoyed  entering our wines at the LA County and Ventura Fairs. . Look for us!!

It was great seeing everybody at our reunion. ...I plan to email friends that were unable to make the event. Let's get some mini reunions inked in! CHEERS.

Linda Dillion Naccarato

I met my wonderful husband of 48 years at UCSB. Tim was in the Army for 29 years after college.  After his tour in Vietnam as an MP, he went to law school in Sacramento and was a military lawyer (JAG)  for the rest of his Army career.  I was fortunate to be an Army wife for all those years and all the assignments we shared together with our family.  My favorite tours were Germany  and  Hawaii.  We have two children and two wonderful grandchildren.  We have lived in the Sacramento area since 1998. I am still working part-time at a small insurance company.  Since I job-share I am able to take extended vacations while my co-worker covers for me.  I am happy to return the favor to her! I will retire the end of 2016 and we will celebrate with a trip to the Far East.  We are fortunate to have our health and many wonderful friends. 


The reunion was great. Thanks to Patty for all her hard work.

Steve (Charles) & Ruth Grothe

Married to Ruth for 25 years, living in Murrieta on 6.5 acres at 2500 ft. 2 grown children (Tamara, Ryan), 4 grandchildren (Emily, Mason, Piper, Schyler) all living in the Poway area. I am still operating a distilled spirits and wine brokerage, covering AZ and CA. I also teach university level business classes for 3 different universities, as adjunct online faculty. Ruth and I travel to Hawaii or Aruba as often as schedules permit as we own timeshares there, and like the climate! We’ve taken all of the nieces and nephews (8 of them) as their high-school graduation gift for attaining a C or better overall average. The big Fords and Mercs? Yep – have a 73 Cougar and a 67 Cougar. 

Marcia (Sands) & John Lowther

John & I have been married 30 years, we have 4 kids, 9 grandkids, 2 step-grandkids, and 4 great-grandkids between us.  I retired in 1996 after 16 years in retail, and John in 2003 after 42 1/2 yrs. with General Electric.  We moved to Arizona 12 yrs. ago and enjoy participating in all the functions that our neighborhood clubhouse has to offer and have met a lot of new friends. We have done a lot of traveling in the states and been on 7 cruises and planning another for next Oct. to the Caribbean. I enjoy scrapbooking all our life's journeys.  It was great seeing classmates again, some haven't seen for the 50 yrs. and some it's been only 15 or 20, how time flies, especially the older we get.  Then there are the classmates we see every year at our mini-reunion in Laughlin, Nv. in the springtime.  


Hope to see more of you in March 2016 in Laughlin for the weekend, we have some great times.


I wish you all a lovely, lovely reunion.

Bob & Connie (Lloyd) Stickel

We married in Jan. 1967 while Bob was in the Army, so for the past 48+ years we have had many adventures. Our family consists of a daughter and son and spouses and 5 grandkids plus a great grand  child on the way. Bob worked at GTE and Verizon for 38+ years, he retired in 2004. I worked in several dental offices for 35 years and retired to keep track of Bob and grandkids. We moved to Montana for 6 years, then moved back to Calif. to be close to family, sometimes we wonder why! Bob enjoys hunting, fishing and golf in his spare time. I collect recipes, enjoy baking, give gardening a try and like to donate money to the slot machines occasionally.   

Bill & Gloria Waggoner

I retired in 2013 after spending the last 12 years as a Certified Financial Planner and stock broker.  My wife Gloria and I enjoy swimming and participate in the US Masters swim program. We also enjoy traveling in our RV and on cruises.

Marlene (Bernardinelli) & George Ministeri

If you remember me, you might recall a quiet, shy, and conservative young lady who hung around with other girls like me from Ms. Jepeson’s English class, Mr. Wyzorick’s algebra class and every speech and music class ever offered at PHS. After graduating from Cal Poly Pomona in 1969 with a degree in English and a minor in music, I went on to get a teaching credential, a masters degree in General Education, and a Standard Administrative credential.  For the next 36 years, I taught elementary and middle school, spent two years as an elementary school principal, two years as a high school assistant principal, 14 years as a middle school principal, and side-lined as a college adjunct professor for 16 years in the teacher education credential and masters programs at Azusa Pacific University.  

I retired in 2008, and now spend my life being wife to a caring husband George, mother to two responsible and successful adult daughters, and grandma to three of the best grand kids anyone could ever have.  My husband and I find time to travel, attend church activities, spend many hours with extended family and friends, and enjoy concerts and other events around southern California.  On my own, I attend classes at Loyola University, volunteer as a religious education catechist, scrapbook, garden, read, and basically do everything that I always wanted to do, but never had the time to do.  I am so happy to reconnect with the friends of my youth who gave me such a great start to real life!

Jim (Sandy) Sandberg

I joined the Navy just a month after graduation and attended the Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD for the next four years.  Graduating in June 1969, I elected to be commissioned in the Marine Corps and following Basic School training, Marja LaPorte and I were married in her home town of Annapolis in 1970.  We began our life together near Phoenix, AZ as I went through jet pilot training, followed by a series of Marine assignments in Cherry Point, NC; Beaufort, SC; Iwakuni, Japan; Beeville, TX; Edwards, CA; and Camarillo, CA.  In 1982 the Marines made me an offer I had to refuse and I transferred the Reserves, serving at El Toro, CA until 1994.  When I left active duty in 1982, I joined Northrop Aircraft as an Engineering Test Pilot at Edwards and Palmdale, CA until 1994 when we were re-assigned to southern Maryland where I worked as a test pilot, then business development manager, and then leader of the F-35 JSF Test Force at NAS Patuxent River until I retired from Northrop Grumman in 2008.

We love our home and friends in southern Maryland where Marja still rides and trains dressage horses and I do some aerospace consulting and community volunteering and we LOVE playing pickle-ball! Our lives have been blessed with two children.  Forty-year-old Brian is a Navy helicopter test pilot stationed at Pt Mugu, CA with his wife and our 7-year-old granddaughter, Kaylie.  Sadly, our daughter Annie died unexpectedly here in 1994 before her 16th birthday but whenever we are asked about our lives or our children, we never forget that we still have two children; one here with us and one with our Lord in Heaven.

Terry & Carol (Procherena) Foutts

This is our 15th year in Phoenix, AZ. I (Carol) retired in 2008 to share more time with our 4 grandkids and that has been a blast; concerts, plays, musicals, ballgames, overnighters, board games, and squirt gun fights are among our favorite pastimes. Terry’s company “downsized” in 2011 and we have been adjusting to seeing each other full-time ever since. Last year we visited San Francisco, spent two weeks touring Scotland, Ireland, and England as well as enjoyed a nice, leisurely trip to Kauai with the Hammonds ( at  the Chocolate Farm  – Linda & I had seconds – why waste that stuff?) Our daughters and their spouses are all employed in jobs they like (finally!); the 2 older grandkids are living out of state – one in Newport, Oregon & one at Rice University in Houston – but come to visit; and  I still referee three days a week for our younger grandkids even though they’ve grown past me. 

Terry and I work-out at the gym three times a week to prevent rust and this year we are  primarily playing B&B hosts for kids and grandkids.  Our older granddaughter spent 6 weeks with us this summer catching up with her friends from high school which reminds me,  I sincerely appreciate all those folks who help us to do the same with the annual mini-reunions in Laughlin that Terry and I have so enjoyed and for the landmark reunions where we can visit “old” friends, make new ones we wish we had made long ago, and happily  revisit those places that so indelibly shaped our “wonder years”. Looking forward to sharing time with real people who know what a “party-line” was; which day was “Anything Can Happen Day” on the Mickey Mouse Club, and that if I say “You’re “Bitchin’!”, you won’t  get mad at me! Hope to see you there.

Time & Linda (Olsen) Hammond

Since we saw many of you at the last reunion, not much has changed other than we’ve aged 5 years and all the usual things that come with that process.  Our biggest adventure to date has been moving after 30 years on the desert side of the mountains to the city side of those same mountains we all grew up looking at, on clear days.  


Once we had the house in order so we could market it for sale, Tim found himself without too much maintenance to do, and he decided it was time to get the Model A running again, so we could move it with us over the mountain.  It has sat in the garage for all those thirty years, not driven in more than 25-- like a lot of those planes sitting out in the Mohave Desert Bone Yard, the Model A has been somewhat preserved in that dry heat we all talk about.

Little by little he’s managed to get the necessary parts to get it running up to speed again, while not in anything close to show quality, it is running and we plan to make the trip to the 50th in it.  Let’s hope it’s not too hot that weekend, because along with not having seat belts, the only air conditioning is the front wind screen pushed open a bit and the side windows rolled down.  You’ll hear us coming, older and maybe not much wiser, but limping along.


PHS 50th Reunion Or Bust

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